buy 74-89-5

The CAS number 74-89-5 corresponds to Methylamine, all chemical compound with various applications in scientific studies besides industrial processes. Here be some insights from the search outcomes:

Available Forms and Applications

Methylamine is available in distinct forms, covering solutions in tetrahydrofuran, ethanol, methanol, besides water, with varying concentrations this as 33% besides 40% w/w aqueous solutions. It predisposed applied in scientific studies for applications the sort as perchlorate analysis of milk besides yogurt samples by LC-MS/MS, as well as in the synthesis of various organic compounds.

Suppliers and Product Information

Suppliers so as TCI America, Sigma-Aldrich, Spectrum Chemical, besides others offer Methylamine besides related products for acquisition. Detailed product information, including concentration, solvent, besides grade specifications, predisposed given by suppliers in order to guarantee the effective and suitability of the product for special applications.

Regulatory Considerations

The CAS number 74-89-5 predisposed associated with Methylamine besides is subject in order regulatory requirements and safety opinions, especially in the context of chemical handling and transportation.

If you happen looking in order purchase Methylamine or you will need further information approximately its applications, specific forms, or regulatory points, you may consider reaching out in order the suppliers mentioned in the search results for detailed product information besides procurement.