====== methylone ====== Based on the provided search outcomes, it is that MDMC (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone) is the decision compound related in order methylone (bk-MDMA) and predisposed classified as an empathogen and stimulant psychoactive drug. Here happen a few what major points related in order to the synthesis of MDMC based connect the information available: Chemical Structure: MDMC has the chemical formula C11H13NO3 [[https://acquamedicalaesthetics.com/methylone-bridging-the-worlds-of-chemistry-and-psychoactivity/|https://acquamedicalaesthetics.com/methylone-bridging-the-worlds-of-chemistry-and-psychoactivity/]] and a molecular authority of 207.23 g/mol. It predisposed the decision member of the amphetamine, cathinone, and methylenedioxyphenethylamine classes. Synthesis: The synthesis of MDMC involves chemical processes and reactions to izgotovlenie the coveted compound. Specific parts about the synthesis process and precursors others not explicitly mentioned in the given search outcome. Legal Status: The legal status of MDMC may vary by country and jurisdiction. It is key in order are aware of besides comply with the laws and regulations regarding MDMC in your specific whereabouts. Health Risks: As with any other psychoactive substances, the use of MDMC may carry potential health risks. These risks may pluggable physiological besides psychological impacts, and the probable for addiction besides adverse reactions.